science fair clip art

Science Fair Winners from Mrs. Thomas’s Class


Title and Winners


1st place

Does Gender Affect Taste

Jude Rhodes

2nd place

Does a person’s weight vary throughout the day?

Mary McGinnis

3rd place

Which bread will mold first?

Brylan Wilburn


1st place

Which soda has the most fizz when freshly opened?

Abigail Dorsey

2nd place

What beverage causes the most tooth decay?

Ashlyn Welch

3rd place

Which fruit is more acidic?

Brynlee Summerford

Physical Science

1st place

What popcorn brand has the least unpopped kernels?

Mackenzie Johnson

2nd place

What type of chocolate melts fastest in the sun?

Bethany Cleveland

3rd place

Which material conducts the most heat: Aluminum foil, or wax paper?

Wren Fletcher

Behavioral Science

1st place

How will a Betta React to His Reflection?

Bruce Scarborough

2nd place

What kills roaches the fastest?

Blythe Patterson


1st place

Does the temperature of a baseball affect how far the ball travels?

Grayson Gravitt

2nd place

Which one of the new helmets protects against concussions?

Princeton Williams

Earth/Environmental Science

1st place

Have you ever wondered how dirty or clean water is?

Danny Holt

2nd place

Which is better for gardening? Pallet bed or Raised Bed?

Leila Hall